
Home » Department of Higher Education & Trainging » White House Ditches University Rankings, Launches New Website To Offer Open Data To Help Students Choose Their College

White House Ditches University Rankings, Launches New Website To Offer Open Data To Help Students Choose Their College

In a bid to increase the number of citizens who are college degree holders and can help boost the U.S. economy, the White House is introducing a new tool to help students and families search for the ideal college.  With this new tool, an individual can assess higher education institutions based on a variety of factors, including the size and location of schools and also the types of programs or degrees offered. Moreover, the site presents comprehensive and reliable data related to the college’s student outcomes, which include the student debts of graduates, earnings of students, and repayment rates of borrowers.

By launching the website, reports say, Washington seems to be abandoning efforts to create a system that will give ratings to the country’s colleges and universities. The primary objective of the original plan was to shame schools with low ratings.

This rating system of the government was opposed by various institutions, saying it could allow some institutions to prioritize money-making degrees, such as accounting, over courses related to history, philosophy, and others.  Read more…

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